SPE is an engineering company based in Shannon, Co Clare, specialising in precision machining and precision-machined parts.
Precision Engineering Facility Extension
The Client
The company is extremely busy and uses a number of restricted materials in its processes. SPE’s proposal to double its original size was a significant undertaking, given the environmental requirements, tight timeline and the fact that the site had some legacy brownfield issues.
How PEMCAS Delivered
For this project, PEMCAS provided the following services:
Fire safety
Mechanical & electrical
Health & safety
Construction management
Assigned certifier
Our team was able to progress design and procurement in parallel with licensing and permissions – an open and proactive engagement with the local authority was key in delivering planning and fire & safety certificates within deadlines.
Key Insights
On a large project like this one, with complex licensing and regulatory requirements, a comprehensive knowledge of the regulatory landscape, a multidisciplinary team with a strong problem-solving ethic and good relationships with local authorities are essential. Providing a single point of contact to clients also has a significant impact on project outcomes.
Shannon Precision Engineering
Services Provided
Civil & Structural
Building Services
Quantity Surveyor
Floor Area
Project Team
Ray Dowling