Process Engineering

Ensuring efficient, sustainable, and safe industrial processing

Modern process-based businesses operate in a challenging and exciting space that moves quickly but is also highly regulated. With extensive experience in food manufacturing, distilling and medtech, we are a trusted provider for some of the most prominent names in processing.

Our team offers a full range of process engineering services, including:

  • Mapping and modelling existing processes – we use the most up-to-date design and modelling packages to simulate your current processes before making any changes.

  • Analysis and studies – we can prepare feasibility studies, risk assessments, regulatory reviews and any other documentation necessary to make capital expenditure decisions.

  • Design and development – we consult with you to produce concepts, designs and models, then develop detailed schedules, budgets, diagrams and procurement plans, while seeking planning and regulatory permissions.

  • Construction and commissioning – we can oversee safe shutting down, dismantling, and recommissioning of equipment into new spaces, while ensuring the interoperability of all processes. 

  • Close-out and handover – we ensure that all paperwork is in place to close out the change phase and begin the operations phase. This includes safety certificates, documentation of processes for operator training, and a final accounting of “learnings” to be taken into the next project.

  • Maintenance and monitoring – we offer inspections, reporting and advice to ensure that equipment remains safe and processes are optimal.

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