Architecture and Fire Safety
Excellence within the highest safety standards
Architecture and fire safety are so closely linked that we at PEMCAS have created a single team to handle both together. Modern technology, building methods and construction materials make it possible – and simple – to put fire safety standards at the heart of any building project, which can also have the side benefit of introducing other advantages, such as:
Safer construction sites
Increased accessibility
Smart lighting systems
Improved air quality
Of course, different industries, building materials and operations bring different risks and regulations. We understand those differences and work within industry parameters to present an accurate and rational assessment of the risks, a plan for mitigation and the project management skills to ensure that the plan is properly carried out.
We can advise on all aspects of fire safety, including
Passive protection measures such as load-bearing capacities, integrity of surfaces, and heat insulation.
Active protection measures such as automatic doors, air pressurisation, active venting of smoke and automatic deployment of extinguishing agents.
How the architecture and purpose of the project affects the building standards that apply.
Tools for documenting and learning from previous fires, if any.
Recommendations for ongoing training and maintaining ratings or certificates.
Our team can find ways to improve fire safety at any stage, to help you comply with regulations and create a safe, sustainable environment for your organisation.